"Coke Will Eat It's Self"
"Coke Will Eat It's Self"

Aluminum Cans, Fabric, Suit Case, Glue

"Swindle Bank"
"Swindle Bank"

Metal, Metal Pipe, Metal Washers

36"x 48"x 36"

"Swindle Bank" : Detail
"Swindle Bank" : Detail

Metal, Metal Pipe, Metal Washers


Door, Door Frame, Fabric

Door Frame Dimensions: 43" x 82"

Elephant Dimesions Varies

"Rationalization" : Detail
"Rationalization" : Detail


"If It Was Only This Easy To Forgive and Forget"
"If It Was Only This Easy To Forgive and Forget"

Screen Printed Wallpaper, Gold Leaf Trunks, Wood Panel, Gold Leaf Keys, Gold Leaf Locks

Dimensions Varies

"If It Was Only This Easy To Forgive and Forget" : Detail
"If It Was Only This Easy To Forgive and Forget" : Detail

Screen Printed Wallpaper and Gold Leaf Keys


Gold Leaf Family Photographs, Gold Leaf Treasure Box

Dimensions Varies

"Tarnished" : Detail
"Tarnished" : Detail

Gold Leaf Family Photographs

"Parental Indiscretion"
"Parental Indiscretion"

Children's Hand Writing Paper, Ink, Glue, Gold Leaf Frame

Dimensions Varies

"Parental Indiscretion" : Detail
"Parental Indiscretion" : Detail

Gold Leaf Frame, Children's Hand Writing Paper, Ink

"Coke Will Eat It's Self"
"Swindle Bank"
"Swindle Bank" : Detail
"Rationalization" : Detail
"If It Was Only This Easy To Forgive and Forget"
"If It Was Only This Easy To Forgive and Forget" : Detail
"Tarnished" : Detail
"Parental Indiscretion"
"Parental Indiscretion" : Detail
"Coke Will Eat It's Self"

Aluminum Cans, Fabric, Suit Case, Glue

"Swindle Bank"

Metal, Metal Pipe, Metal Washers

36"x 48"x 36"

"Swindle Bank" : Detail

Metal, Metal Pipe, Metal Washers


Door, Door Frame, Fabric

Door Frame Dimensions: 43" x 82"

Elephant Dimesions Varies

"Rationalization" : Detail


"If It Was Only This Easy To Forgive and Forget"

Screen Printed Wallpaper, Gold Leaf Trunks, Wood Panel, Gold Leaf Keys, Gold Leaf Locks

Dimensions Varies

"If It Was Only This Easy To Forgive and Forget" : Detail

Screen Printed Wallpaper and Gold Leaf Keys


Gold Leaf Family Photographs, Gold Leaf Treasure Box

Dimensions Varies

"Tarnished" : Detail

Gold Leaf Family Photographs

"Parental Indiscretion"

Children's Hand Writing Paper, Ink, Glue, Gold Leaf Frame

Dimensions Varies

"Parental Indiscretion" : Detail

Gold Leaf Frame, Children's Hand Writing Paper, Ink

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